Sunday, 29 March 2015

HTML for Juniors | Part1

HTML for Juniors PART -1 

In this article I’ll be discussing basic part of HTML that a junior (beginner) needs to know. From juniors I mean to all those who are who just passed High School or are 14 years or above.
This article is first in this series.

IBM sowed the seed of HTML in the early 1980s. Initially , it was known by the name GML (General Markup Language). It was a powerful language that aimed at creating a document in which one could mark the title ,text , heading and much more.
In 1986 , this concept got standardization by ISO and was renamed to SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). In 1989, Sir Tim Berners Lee and his team redesigned this language and named it as HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
In which

·         HYPER TEXT means a complete code package which allows the user to create WebPages  which includes text and graphics and also you can add links to your WebPages.

·         MARKUP means to  highlighting the text by underlining or displaying it with colours

·         LANGUAGE refer to the mode of communications between the webpages .

Necessary HTML Tags 

(note that upper-case/lower-case is not important) 

The "guts" of every HTML file must look like this: 


<title>Document's name which appears in the heading, not on the page</title> 


Type in the information you want to appear on the page here 


Basic HTML Structure

HTML  (<HTML> .. </HTML>)

The HTML documents starts with <HTML> tags and ends with </HTML> tag. Each documents is considered to be single page. Everything is written within this tags. 
If the commands are not enclosed in tags , then web borwser will assume the commands as simple text. The HTML is divided into two parts: Header <HEAD>,and the body<BODY>.

HEAD (<HEAD> .. </HEAD>)

The header is a place where you put the information about the web pages. The <HEAD> contains no text within itself.


The <TITLE> tag has to be given within the <HEAD> tag. It contains the title of the document .

BODY (<BODY> .. </BODY>)

Within the <body> tag (command), you may use other HTML tags to add images and/or sounds, link your page to other pages (URLs) on the Web, highlight your text by bolding or italicizing it, or change font size.
Note that all tags must be invoked by typing the tag between two brackets (i.e.,<body>). 
Type the tag in brackets again with a  slash in front of if (i.e., </body>) to negate the effect.


Here’s a basic HTML code-
(Just write down it in any text editor like Notepad etc..)

<TITLE> Welcome </TITLE>
Welcome to “C-sharp Corner”! J


After save it according to you.
In my case it is Welcome.HTML


This is all from the first part of this new article series.. For more exciting stuffs stay tuned!
Cheers! :) :) 
Visit my official account at C-sharp Corner -


HTML for Begineers | PART :8

HTML for Begineers | PART  :8 HTML Links and Images ·         Links are nearly found in all the web pages. Links allows ...